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Title: The British Connection
Author: Jack Bates, Alan D. Mason
Source: American Gas Association 1979
Year Published: 1979
Abstract: The authors wish to think the American Gas Association for the opportunity of presenting this paper to the annual Distribution Conference. A brief insight is given into the way in which British Gas, and the West Midlands region in particinlar, supphes new domestic loads. Throughout Britain there has recently been a dramal ic expansion in the demand for gas, and this has been supported by the availability of assured and ample supplies from the North Sea gas fields. Total sales of gas have doubled in seven years and have quadrupled in 12 years. Domestic Sales have experienced a similar surge after a relatively static period during the 1950s and early i960s. Recent legislative changes, coupled witli augmented supplies, may well initiate a siiriilar surge of activity in the United States during the next decade.

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