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Title: Measuring Station Inspection Program And Guide
Author: K. C. Yost
Source: 1968 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1968
Abstract: The measuring station inspection program must be designed to meet the requirements of each individual company. The operating conditions of one company may be entirely different from another consequently an entirely different program may be required. This applies in particular to companies which are exclusively either Production, Transmission, or Distribution companies. Measuring stations which are susceptible to slugs of liquid in the gas stream may require frequent inspection. Stations measuring large volumes of gas may require frequent inspection and test. Town border stations where the gas pressure is cut from a high pressure (transmission pressure) to a low pressure for distribution may require frequent inspection. These statements lead to one conclusion-every station (or at least type of station) has its own peculiarities and must be given individual consideration.

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