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Title: On-Line Quality Control Measurements For Chlorine And Sulfur Levels In Landfill-Generated Methane
Author: L L Tom() Altpeter, JR.,N. W. FLYNN,J. J. WALSH,C. A. McCOMAS,BROCK De Lappe,
Source: American Gas Association 1985
Year Published: 1985
Abstract: The use of landfill gas as an alternative energy supply is receiving greater attention by the gas industry. The production of an acceptable product by landfill owners and/or processors requires careful attention to the concentration levels of certain trace level contaminants. Notable among these contaminants are chlorinated and sulfur-containing substances. CiRI is supporting the development of an on-line quality control monitor that will provide assurance that a quality product gas is being delivered. The candidate monitoring technique is an electrolytic conductivity detector that measures total chlorine or total sulfur in the gas stream. Preliminary field tests indicate acceptable accuracy, precision, and detection limits. Operational and economical requirements for the monitor are presented.

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