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Title: Test For Gas Species Dependence In The Motion Of A Small Bell Prover
Author: Thomas O. Maginnis
Source: 2004 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2004
Abstract: It has been suggested that there may exist a weak gas species dependence in the K-factor of volumetric flow standards such as bell provers and piston provers. Such a dependence would arise, for example, from imperfect bell counterbalancing due to gas buoyancy effects when flowing a gas that has a density at test conditions substantially different from air, assuming the counterbalance to be exact for air. It has previously been shown that any significant departure from constant velocity motion of a volumetric prover during the timed measurement can cause a systematic error in such instruments. A test was made using three gases of significantly different density in a small bell prover, at multiple flow rates. The time for the bell to travel to ten different displacements was measured and recorded for each flow rate and gas. The data provide a sensitive test for any gasdependent acceleration present in the system.

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