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Title: Mechanical Tie-Ins Need Not Be The Achilles Heel Of Plastic Piping Systems
Author: Eugene J. Escolas
Source: American Gas Association 1977
Year Published: 1977
Abstract: At 9:30 a.m. on January 10, 1976, the six-story Pathfinder Hotel in Fremont, Nebraska, exploded and burned. Eighteen persons died and 41 persons were hospitalized: the hotel was destroyed and glass was broken in other buildings within a one-block radius. The National Transportation Safety Boards investigation disclosed that a 2-inch plastic gas main had pulled out of its compression coupling at the intersection of Sixth and Broad Streets, about 15 feet from the northwest corner of the hotel basement. The pipe had pulled out of its 6-inch-long compression coupling after the pipe had contracted in length 2-1 /2 inches. Natural gas. leakingfrom the pipe at 13-psig pressure and capped above by frozen earth and the concrete road surface, seeped into the hotel basement.

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