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Title: Problems In Wet Gas Measurement
Author: Ronald E. Beaty
Source: 1966 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: The accurate measurement of wet gas presents a real challenge to measurement personnel. Wet gas may be defined as gas containing fluids such as liquified petroleum gases andor water. Wet gases are sometimes produced as a by product of crude oil. In other instances, it is produced from a gas well with condensate as a by-product. In both cases, water is usually present with the gas stream. The chance of hydrate formation is excellent with this type of production. This discussion will be limited to measurement by orifice meter. All standards set forth in the A.G.A. Report 3 should be observed. Although the same fundamental principles apply to all gas measurement, wet gas does present special problems because of its composition. Each wet gas well has a character of its own and may require a different approach to solve the measurement problems. The operation of the producers equipment affects the measurement as much as any single factor. Improperly adjusted or maintained equipment can create charts that are difficult to interpret and can result in very inaccurate measurement.

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