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Title: Gri Metering Research Facility Update
Author: Charles E. French
Source: 1999 American School of Gas Measurement Technology
Year Published: 1999
Abstract: The Gas Research Institute (GRI) sponsors a comprehensive flow measurement research, development, and commercialization (RD&C) program aimed at improving metering performance in the field. This paper summarizes some of the recent accomplishments of the research program at the GRI Metering Research Facility (MRF), a high-accuracy natural gas flow calibration laboratory capable of simulating a wide range of operating conditions for the industrys research, calibration, and testing needs. The MRF, located at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) in San Antonio, Texas, supports a variety of GRI-sponsored research and third-party test and calibration activities. Current GRI MRF research includes projects on orifice and ultrasonic flow meters and gas sampling methods. Through a portfolio of projects addressing priority research needs, the GRI measurement program provides significant benefits to the natural gas industry.

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