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Title: The Ultrasonic Flowmeter- A New Approach To Large Volume Gas Measurement
Author: W.D. Munk
Source: American Gas Association 1982
Year Published: 1982
Abstract: A wide variety of meters are available for measuring fluid flows in pipelines. Most of these, however, are limited to pipes smaller than 12-inches in diameter. To measure fluid flows in larger diameter pipes, a constriction type differential pressure flowmeter (concentric orifice, venturi, etc.), or some type of probe inserted flowmeter (pilot tube, turbine, etc.) is used. High accuracy and wide range are achieved with constriction type meters by using multiple meters in parallel. For example, in the natural gas industry, the multiple orifice meter station is generally considered the standard for large volume high pressure gas measurement. A major drawback to the multiple meter installation is that it is expensive. The cost of an orifice measurement station containing six 12-inch meters in parallel can easily exceed one million dollars. Another drawback is that these stations are, by their nature, permanent installations. As measurement requirements change it is often more practical to build another station where it is needed rather than to move an existing station. Obviously, multiple meter stations are not applicable to temporary or spot measurement requirements.

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