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Title: North Belut Dualstream II Advanced Wet Gas Meter - Flow Testing At CEESI
Author: Warih Kundono, Malcolm Brown, Gordon Stobie, Mark Tudge, Alan Downing, Alistair Collins, Richard Steven And Thomas Kegel
Source: 2008 South East Asia Flow Measurement Conference
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: An 8 Solartron ISA Dualstream II Advanced wet gas meter for North Belut, Indonesia has been dry gas tested in natural gas (at Bishop Auckland, UK) and wet gas flow tested at CEESI with air and kerosene/water mixes. This paper discusses the selection and proposed use of this meter, the validity of testing wet natural gas meters with air flows and describes the new CEESI wet gas facility for testing large diameter, high flow rate wet gas meters. The CEESI facilities commissioning runs with a 4 orifice plate meter are described and the results compared to existing CEESI and NEL wet gas orifice meter data. With a validated test system the Dualstream II wet gas meter data will be analysed The operational principles of the meter will be reviewed and the performance of the meter with the wet gas flow with water cuts will be discussed.

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