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Title: Leakage Surveys And Instruments For Leak Detection How( To Perform Leakage Surveys To Best Benefit Distribution Systems)
Author: Andre J. Massicott
Source: 1980 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1980
Abstract: Leakage survey means safety because it provides as complete an analysis of existing conditions over a gas system as is possible: its findings point to follow up maintenance and repair as necessary. The survey under these conditions is designed to maintain and also improve conditions within an existing gas system. Where are the leaks? What kind of leaks are they? Which ones should be followed up first? Which part of the system is bad? Which is good? Is leakage general throughout the system? The small leak adjacent to a building can be as bad or even worse than a large leak in the middle of an empty field. From a safety standpoint, the survey will provide as up-todate picture of conditions within a known period of time.

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