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Title: Gas Piston Gage And Ball Gage Calibration, Effective Area, And Cross-Floating: New Approach
Author: Frank E. Jones
Source: 1998 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1998
Abstract: The calibration variables, force F and pressure P, are conventionally used to calculate effective area A for piston gages and ball gages. Essentially, F is divided by P to arrive at A. In many gas piston gages and ball gages, A appears to depend on pressure at pressures at which distortion with pressure is insignificant. It is shown in this paper that curvature of plots of A against P is due to the fact that the ratio of F to P is not intrinsically constant for devices. The relationship between P and F is shown to be represented much better by an equation of the form P a + bF derived from linear least squares analysis of calibration data. Recent results1 have shown that this procedure is very effective in developing very efficient equations for calculating pressure for gas piston gages and ball gages. The cross-floating technique used to determine the effective area of a test gage by floating it at the same pressure against a reference gage of presumed known effective area is examined in the context of this new analysis.

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