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Title: Design And Operating Practices For Main Line Regulation Stations
Author: J. m. Hamilton, Jr.
Source: 1966 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: In designing a main line regulator station there are many conditions to consider and questions to get answered before you are ready lo start a drawing or order any material. The order that I have listed these conditions may not be the order of importance but I feel that all must be considered and answered before the job can be started. 1. The inlet pressure that you can expect, what range of pressure are you to have at this location? This may be limited by the operating pressure on the main line or some governing body, either local or state. 2. What is Ihe outlet or downstream pressure to be controlled to? Here you need to know the maximum and minimum conditions that this station is expected lo control. 3. What are the volumes to be regulated? Here you need to know the maximum and minimum. 4. Will this station be required to have measurement equipment installed now or at a later date or never? 5. is this station to he self-contained or is it to be controlled from a remote location? 6. Will noise be a problem now or later? Should you plan lo contain or supress the noise or just forget about it? 7. Will relief equipment be required, or will you have lo have back up regulators? 8. Is the gas in this location odorized? 9. Will you be able to use the gas for an operating source of power, or have to install an air compressor? 10. What are the building codes in the area you plan lo build? What type of building, if any?

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