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Title: Noise Control Guidelines For The 1970s
Author: Robert H. Pish, Cecil R. Sparks
Source: American Gas Association 1974
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: The increased tempo of legislative action concerning environmental noise control has placed added urgency on noise control programs. While legislation has not contributed to fundamental knowledge concerning the effects of noise on people or communities, il has at least brought into focus a real and immediaie need for noise evaluation and conirol. II has also brought about a flurry of activity which is sometimes ineffective or only partially efleclive, at best. While Ihis activity has been a boon to noise consultants and manufacturers of acoustic materials, the often impractical and disappointing results of such activities has re-emphasized the need within the gas industry for more widespread knowledge of noise analysis and control. An effective noise control program requires both practical understanding and technical knowledge in a number of fields. including noise effects and crileria, measurement. analysis, generation and control. The purpose of this paper is to provide at least an initial overview of the requirements and procedures involved in the control of noise by reviewing elements of acoustic terminology, measurement and analysis techniques. Several case studies are also presented to demonstrate noise treatments for gas distribution facilities.

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