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Title: Velocity Type Pressure Boosters
Author: K. R. D. Wolfe
Source: 1944 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1944
Abstract: The subject to be discussed is that of improving iiiribution pressures with gas pressure boosters of ie velocity type. It is assumed that all of us are t*:iiiliar with the conventional gas distribution sys- and on that assumption it is known that as Cis is put through a pipe line, there is a certahi SKsure loss due to the friction of the moving gas In- 9de of the pipe line. Therefore, to maintain a given cDDstant pressure at the far end of the system, a higher pressure at the town border station or wherever the PE is introduced into the system is required. This scusEion will be confined principally to Intermediate IT high pressure loop lines where the pressures generiZy run from one pound pressure on up to much values. Tlie Booster which is being considered . r.ot intended for low pressure In ounces or as a : -irict regulator, but is limited principally to reduc- rrom pounds to pounds, such as the town border :jn regulators, where the pressure is later reduced, -Jiev through district regulators or house servic

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