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Title: Operation And Maintenance Electronic Chart Integrators
Author: E. S. Messer
Source: 1985 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1985
Abstract: With the recent adva IC at the wellhead, gas comppni years have become more co of accuracy in the deter: umes flowing from a well lines, hence, to the user applies to all areas of calculation, therefore, as the weakest link in th2 variables that comprise a in of One important link ment is the calculation the two important variabl circular chart. These differential pressure exi the flowing gas stream, to Bernoulli theorem. Tt cord of the static press ssure is required for tin volume that passed throu specified time. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ELECTRONIC CHART INTEGRATORS E. S. Messer Flow Measurement Division Southern Flow Companies Tulsa, Oklahoma e in the price of gas es during the past six nizant to the importance tion of true gas vol- r to the distribution The term accuracy asurement. The volume n only be as accurate chain of measuring the volume measurement

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