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Title: Three Calibration Procedures
Author: Stanley Novak
Source: 2008 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: This paper concerns the design of three calibration procedures, with a different challenge in each. The first effort (17-20AR-87) has a TI (Test Instrument) available during the writing process. This effort is the adaptation of a methodology used in higher level laboratories, to a lower level laboratory ( FCA or depot laboratories). The second effort (17-20AZ-131) shows the careful choice of methodology and test points to use calibration standards for parameter support to NIST. A complication in the second effort is the lack of a TI during the writing process. The third effort (17-20AZ-128) illustrates the difficulty in supporting a TI that is as accurate as the NCE standards. The third effort is also written without a TI and illuminates the important and necessary contributions of other sources in the procedure development process.

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