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Title: Horizontally Installed 8, 0.6 Beta Ratio Venturi Meter Wet Natural Gas Flow Response
Author: Richard Steven, Charlie Britton & Joshua Kinney
Source: 2012 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2012
Abstract: The hydrocarbon production industries use of wet gas flow metering techniques continues to increase worldwide. The demand has driven the development of several sophisticated wet natural gas flow meters that predict both the gas and liquid flow rates simultaneously. However, the cost of such sophisticated wet gas flow meters prohibits their use in many wet gas flow production applications. The relatively simple and inexpensive, and therefore the most common wet gas flow metering technique, is to use a stand alone gas Venturi meter with a wet gas correlation. A wet gas correlation is a correction factor for the positive bias (or over-reading) induced on the meters gas flow rate prediction by the liquid. The main limitation of using a stand alone Venturi meter with a wet gas correlation is that such an approach requires the liquid flow rate to be found by some external means and keypad entered into the flow computer. Only then does the system correct for the over-reading and predict the gas flow rate

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