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Title: Heavy-Metal-Free Yellow Colorant For Gas Distribution Pipe
Author: Dane Chang Zhiqiang Zhou John W. Adams Roger A. Reinicker
Source: American Gas Association 2013
Year Published: 2013
Abstract: PE pipe was first adopted for use by the gas utilities in the USA in the early 1960s. Today PE is the dominant transportation mode for gas distribution (125 psig operation pressures) for residential and light industrial users supplying an estimated 95 percent of the service provided. High visibility heavy metal based yellow colorants/pigments were adopted as a safety feature for PE gas pipe from the beginning and are still used in North America today, while Europe adopted heavy metal free yellows for PE gas distribution 15-20 years ago. With increasing sustainability concerns for work place exposure and waste management, the need to develop more environmentally friendly yellow colorants for PE gas distribution pipe is more pressing than ever.

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