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Title: Recent Field Experiences Using Multiphase Meters For Fiscal Allocation
Author: Eirik bro Kare Kleppe Leif Jarle Vikshaland
Source: 2009 North Sea Flow Measurement Workshop
Year Published: 2009
Abstract: StatoilHydro has about 150 multiphase and wet gas meters in operations, with additional 70-80 multiphase and wet gas meters to be operative in near future. Most of the meters in operation today are used for production optimisation and production management. During the last years, several oil/wet gas fields operated by StatoilHydro have been developed by use of multiphase and wet gas meters for fiscal allocation purposes. The fields are developed as subsea productions system (SPS) where unprocessed multiphase flows are transported to process platforms through pipelines. In this paper the allocation metering installed on Kristin and sgard B in connection with the tie-in of the Tyrihans Field is presented. The ownership allocation between the Halten West Unit (Kristin) and Tyrihans Unit is based on multiphase metering of the Tyrihans flow line production, i.e two parallel topside multiphase meters installed onboard Kristin platform. Subsea multiphase meters are installed for the 11 subsea producing wells, 8 oil producers initially in 2009, one gas producer in 2015 and converting of two gas injectors to gas producers in 2023. The Tyrihans field started to produce in July 2009 and data from the multiphase meters and the test separator meters have been compared frequently in order to verify the topside multiphase meters. The contributions of the overall fiscal metering system uncertainties of the allocation metering for the Tyrihans production are identified, such as test separator metering, PVT compositions, gas lift measurements and multiphase meters. Field experiences with results from the multiphase meters used for fiscal allocation of the Tyrihans productions from the first months in operation are presented.

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