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Title: Security And Emergency Management
Author: J. L. Fascia
Source: American Gas Association 1986
Year Published: 1986
Abstract: Emergency management is a subject that is greatly discussed or virtually ignored, depending upon current circumstances. If we are attuned to an occurrence such as the recent chemical plant leak in Bhopal, India, emergency management becomes a high priority item of discussion, especially when multi-million-dollar legal suits are incurred. If, however, we are in a period of no major incidents, the subject is largely dismissed. It is interesting to note, however, that if a poll were taken by an organization relating to any business, industry, or government, the results would probably indicate that they all have an emergency management (preparedness, disaster) plan and that they are all excellent. Unfortunately, when a major incident does occur, it often reaches disastrous proportions - whether we are dealing with business, industry, or government.

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