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Title: The Integrated Approach To Metrology
Author: I. Scot Duncan, Gary L. Bowen
Source: 1984 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: Over tYrr 1,. JJt decd:1e, U.S. industry has been (J 1x2 r cor,siijeranl.e pressure to improve its pro- :!uctivity and the ?ual.ity of manufactured goods to m:iiiitilin its c9Xp2titiVc position in domestic -li.:fi ,W r 11 l ma r k et : , Recent work directed toward the imprcjvement of the defense industrial base k,3S rndlcated that, for this indu:try to actlieve iignifi:dnt trains in overall productivity and remd i :I re.sporis17e to customer requirements, a hekJ lpro-xzh II Pact ory modernization is requ i red . Ihc Cepart,nent of Defense has provided con.sid6+ratJlc :pvcr:ment supprt i n s p o n s o r i n g programs fi)r ilnproviny the productivity and s t rnrj:lening trre manufacturing base of domestic These programs stress the importance cf rcooclnizinq that the factory is comgoset cf xinj COir!piC?X systems thdt interact with each other dntf t!lat a thorough top down understandincj of these systems is absolutely essential for future planninq and implementation. l*he foclls of tflis planning activity stresses the need for system integration in all factory modernization activities. Planning for system integration in .3dvance provides a higher chance of successful implementation in a cost effective manner.

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