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Title: Calculation Of Orifice And Positive Displacement Meter Charts
Author: C. P. Rittman, Jr.
Source: 1941 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1941
Abstract: Chart calculation embraces more than the performance of the ordinary routine of reading pre.ssmes. An efficient chart calculator must exercise judgment based on a knowledge of the functions of the apparatus that records the information on the chart to be calculated. The correctness of the work directly affects the operation of anj company. In tlie last few years, manufacturing concerns have extended themselves to place at the disposal of the natural gas industry, instruments that are nearly precise in their various functions and among these, of particular concern to us in our present discussion, are meters for measuring our product, natural gas. The two most widely used meters are of the orifice and the displacement type. The former, so-called because of the use of an orifice in determining flow, the latter because of its measurement by displacing certain amounts of gas. Both types have their particular functions, depending on conditions at the point of measurement. Since the orifice meter presents problems in chart calculation not found in the displacement measurement, the two will be discussed separately.

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