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Title: Effect Of Steps And Roughness On Multi-Path Ultrasonic Meters
Author: Umesh Karnik And John Geerligs
Source: 2002 International Symposium on Fluid Flow Measurement
Year Published: 2002
Abstract: The effect of upstream steps and pipe roughness on 8inch multi-path meters has been tested at the Didsbury Test Facility. Using natural gas at a pressure of around 5500kPa, the performance of the meters under the test conditions was evaluated in comparison to baseline conditions using the sonic nozzle bank as a reference flow. Flow velocities for these tests ranged from 1.5m/s to 15m/s. Concentric steps were generated with a large -ratio orifice plate resulting in steps of 1mm and 3mm dam (step) height at the flange between meter and upstream spool. For the eccentric step, an eccentric, large -ratio, orifice plate was used to generate a 2mm and 6mm eccentricity at the flange between meter and upstream spool. The flow was allowed to develop for 40D following a NOVA flow conditioner. For the roughness tests, several spools, 10D in length, were used just upstream of the meter, with measured equivalent sand grain roughness (e) varying from 80in. to 5600in. Corresponding estimates for n in the velocity power law were in the range 10.6 n 7.4. It was found that e was around 4 to 12 times greater than Ra, depending on the type of the roughness. Within an uncertainty of 0.2%, the present results show that the meter is not affected by an upstream spool piece roughness (Ra/D) of up to 0.0000625. Similarly, concentric and eccentric steps at the meter flange of up to 1% of the pipe diameter do not affect meter performance.

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