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Title: Variations Of The Cubic Foot
Author: G. Frank Bright
Source: 1974 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: Since early in 1970 there has been noticeably increasing activity in companies engaged in the transmission and distribution of natural gas in the analysis of the overpressure protection methods that they use. This has taken place, of course, in order to make sure that the provisions of Part 192, Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations Transportation of Natural and Other Gas by Pipelines: Minimum Federal Safety Standards are being complied with - or to make plans to comply. This is not to say that the USAS B31 .8 Code can now be forgotten, for in the words of Department of Transportation John A.VoIpe, The federal regulations will state what must be achieved B31.8 Code will advise on means of meeting the requirement. It would, therefore, seem appropriate to discuss the requirements of DOT for overpressure protection, and how they compare or relate to B31 . 8 .

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