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Title: Ensuring Quality Service And Value From Your Vendors
Author(s): [Not Available]
Source: 2003 Measurement Science Conference
Year Published: 2003
Abstract: Recently the news media has been full of stories of poor oversight of Vendors by many industries. Accounting firms not properly auditing corporations, Crematoriums not creating remains for years, Auto repair firms charging for work not done, worn parts not being replaced on aircraft. These are just a few examples. Every organization in the Metrology community will rely on outside vendors for some type of instrument services. These services include Equipment Calibration, Repair, Validation, Rental, Lease and Purchase. Here are a few of the typical of comments frequently used. Vendor X is good because they are ISO 9000 approved, or they must be doing a good job because company Y uses them, While almost all vendors are ISO approved or compliant, ISO only ensures that a quality system is in place. It does nothing to ensure that the quality system is actually being followed, let alone enforced. While Navlap and A2LA help to ensure competence, it is still up to the customer to monitor vendors.

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