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Title: Turbulence And Its Effect In Measurement And Regulating Stations
Author: Mike Mckay
Source: 2009 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2009
Abstract: When one thinks of turbulence, what is the first issue which comes to mine? NOISE!!!. The true being, turbulence causes far more issues, than just noise. There is vibration, showing up as pipe fatigue, Noise and Discomfort, shows in the accuracy in measurement, a person rushing to complete his or hers job, resulting in a lower quality of work. The capacity of a station, the volume desired not being able to achieve vs. the volume which the station was design to deliver. Turbulence in any pipeline system is not an asset Both engineers and field personnel alike are equally interested in keeping turbulence to a minimum. Engineering looking for maximum throughput and the field personnel the best site for Analytical equipment or sense point for the control system, and good measurement.

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