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Title: What New Federal Regulations Mean To The Gas Industry
Author: John D. Lawlor,
Source: American Gas Association 1971
Year Published: 1971
Abstract: THE subject, discussing recent Federal safety legislation and regulations, is a broad one, I shall devote myself principally to the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, which went into effect April 28, 1971. However, let me first point out some differences between this law and others which also are of interest to the gas industry: 1. The Occupational Safety and Health Act deals principally with industrys own employees. It is an employee safety or a production-oriented act. The Pipeline Safety Act. on the other hand, looks principally to the protection of the general public (although in so doing it also has impact on employee safety). 2. The Construction Safety Act is also an employee safety law, applicable only to employees of companies working on Federal contracts. However, the Department of Labor has announced that the standards which it promulgated under the Construction Safety Act also will be made applicable to the employees of private contractors under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, 3. The various highway safety acts. covering motor vehicles and state and community highway safety, deal with the public at large. In so doing, they include not only the on-the-job activities of gas company employees whose duties require them to be on the road, either as drivers or as workers, but also the off-lhe-job activities of those who may be involved in traffic accidents. Both the traffic and highway safety laws have important management impacts. When a gas company employee is injured or killed as a result of a traffic accident-whether on or off the job-the absence of trained and experienced staff means dollars and time lost. This is one of the reasons that caused us to develop a program to improve driving skills. Our DDC program has almost three million graduates all over the country-and some phenomenal reductions in motor vehicle accidents both on and off the job have been directly attributed to the Councils defensive driving course.

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