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Title: Is Management Deveiopment For Real?
Author: Richard B. Johnson
Source: 1966 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: Elsewhere in this Course you have been concerned with technical aspects of the business. Goals have been identified. Trends have been noted which will contribute to the achievement of these goals. None of these goals, however, will be achieved except through the efforts of people: people who understand these goals, accept their validity, and have the knowledge, skill and experience they need to make their individual contribution to the total effort. The people of whom I speak are all those in an organization: everyone employed by a company. Among other classifications they fall inio two groups: those who are managed, and those who manage. This afternoon we are concerned wilh ihe latter, ie Managers. Managers are leaders. As such they must plan, organize, delegate, train, operate, control, evaluate and document. They help to make, implement and administer policy and program. They must recognize and analyze problems, select a best solution from alternatives, make decisions. They operate in a fasl-moving milieu-- in an environment constantly changing.

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