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Title: Real World Test Results: What A Meter Database Says About Rotary & Turbine Meters
Author: David J. Firth
Source: 2000 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 2000
Abstract: When I became the manager of group to which the Columbia Meter Shop reports, the manager whom I replaced left some items in my new office. One of these presents was a framed picture of a rotary meter given to him when he became manager. This is the cash register of the company, he told me. The manager of measurement and regulation should have a picture of the cash register of the company in his office. Although I cant say that a gas meter picture lends much to the decor of my office, my predecessor had a valid point. The large volume gas meter is a vital part of the company revenue stream. If not properly maintained, company revenues can suffer and the company can be placed at an undesirable level of legal liability.

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