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Title: System Of Transfer Proving
Author: Henry Hubbard
Source: 1974 Gulf Coast Measurement Short Course (Now called ASGMT)
Year Published: 1974
Abstract: Transfer proving as a method for determining the accuracy of meters has become accepted in the Gas Industry based on its proven performance. Its performance in turn is due to the fact that transfer prover provides a simple, straight-forward test method, it is easily set up and within the limitations of the ambient conditions provides a reproducible set of operating conditions for each test. The controlling element of any transfer proving system is the standard meter used to determine the accuracy of the meter under test. The characteristics of the standard meter must be such that it exhibits a consistent and predictable proof over the range of flow rates for which it is intended to be used. Regardless of the control techniques employed, the basic accuracy of the transfer prover as a system depends primarily upon the accuracy and repeatability of the standard meter.

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