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Title: Reconditioning Of Mercury
Author: H. F. Goodenough
Source: 1941 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1941
Abstract: The reconditioning or purifying of mercury to be used in orifice meters is important lor two reasons. First, the mercury used in orifice meters should be clean and pure in order that the meter will operate accurately without the errors which might be introduced by use of dirty mercury. In the second place, the present market condition of mercury emphasizes the importance of reconditioning mercuiy so that none of this essential material will be wasted. To obtain chemically pure mercury, the mercury should be redistilled in a glas.s still, but as the glass still is subject to breakage, it is tierefore not practical for use in a meter shop. Some other method of cleaning mercury should be used for cleaning the mercury used in orifice meters, In addition to the method of purifying mercury, it will be well to consider a method for testing the purity of mercury.

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