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Title: Calculation Of Heating Value Of Gas Using Mass, Volume And Ideal Gas Flow Rates
Author: Kenneth R. Hall, Philip T. Eubank, Kenneth N. Marsh, James C. Holste
Source: American Gas Association 1984
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: This discussion indicates rigorous methods to obtain energy released as heat upon combustion of a gas. Mass, volume, or ideal gas flowrates are equally applicable. To sell gas on a Btu basis requires the calculation of the energy released as heat upon combustion. This quantity results from multiplication of ihe gas heating value by its ftowrate. Unfortunately, several misconceptions exist concerning this calculation. We attempt in this discussion to clarify the procedure. The heating value of a gas is the negative of its enthalpy of combustion. The enthalpy of combustion is an ideal gas quantity. The reason is that to establish an enthalpy of combustion requires complete specification of the reaclaiits and products and their respective states. In general, this specification is not possible for real fluids, and the tables presented are for ideal gas consumption at standard conditions.

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