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Title: Public Awareness Through Continuing Education
Author: T. H. Hunter
Source: American Gas Association 1982
Year Published: 1982
Abstract: The initial attempt of Panhandle Eastern lo establish a continuing education program which would enable the public lo recognize a pipeline emergency was by means of a small booklet titled Investigate Before You Excavate. Over a period of several months in 1976 and 1977, these booklets were handed out on a door-LO-door basis along the entire pipeline system, with the exception of the gathering areas. The goal was to distribute a booklet to every residence within 600 feet of the pipelines -including individual apartments in heavily populated areas. The booklets were handed out by Right-of- Way and Area personnel who recorded the name and address of each recipient. In the rural areas, landowners and tenant farmers of property that the pipelines cross were contacted, regardless of how far they lived away from the pipelines.

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