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Title: A Computerized Operation And Maintenance System
Author: H. E. Strecker
Source: American Gas Association 1971
Year Published: 1971
Abstract: DURING December 1968, the corporate development department of Panhandle Eastern initiated preliminary studies which led to the formation of a corporate information system the following year. One module of this information system is the engine operation and maintenance system, which is the subject of this discussion. The engine operation and maintenance system was and is being developed through extensive involvement of both corporate development and transmission department personnel and it incorporates what we at Panhandle Eastern believe to be some unusual features and capabilities. It is user-oriented and is designed with the supervisors-at all levels of the organization- in mind. Its purpose is to provide the transmission department supervisors with the information they need to manage more effectively their plants, areas, regions, and department. It is an operating system and not an accounting system in the normal sense.

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