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Title: New Technology In Rotary Meters
Author: Wayand Sligh
Source: American Gas Association 2001
Year Published: 2001
Abstract: The traditional rotary meter design was that of the Lobed Impeller Configuration. The original manufacturer in the United States was Roots. This design can be found in Canada, The United Kingdom, Germany and France. The individual capacity ratings and maximum design pressures may vary. Internally, these meters resemble each other because they are all Lobed Impeller Configurations. More importantly, all these meters have one significant design characteristic in common - their meter body, within which the impeller turn is the measurement chamber. The clearance between the impellers and the meter body / measurement chamber determines the amount of leakage across the impellers and, thus, affects the accuracy and rangeability of these meters. Any force applied to the body, as a result of pipe stress, will tend to distort the dimensions of the measurement chamber, which will often lead to meters stopping and meter bearing damage, thus shutting off gas flow to customers. Because of this problem, rotary meters were virtually banned from critical installations (city gate and hospitals).

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