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Title: Low Pressure Or Appliance Type Regulators
Author: R. C. Hughes
Source: 1938 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1938
Abstract: OW PRESSURE Regulators are made in two types considering adjustment of delivery pressure, namely, Spring and Dead Weight. They are also manufactured in single and double valve, iSee Drawings R-400-E and R-400-AE.) Figure 1. The double valve is for all purposes a balanced regulator but there is generally a difference of about 1/8 in the diameters of the two valves. The single valve construction is of two types-balanced and unbalanced, the balance type making use of a balancing diaphragm. It is only natural that the balance type of regulator will give greater accuracy in control of delivery pressure than the unbalanced regulator. The small type of regulators such as are used on refrigerator installations, are all single valve construction and of unbalanced type, but due to the practically constant and small flow, they give very accurate results.

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