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Title: Bare Steel Mains, Life And Economics
Author: I. T. Wellener,
Source: American Gas Association 1971
Year Published: 1971
Abstract: THERE has been heightened concern for gas pipeline and distribution system safety in the past few years which in turn has spawned interest in the prudent maintenance and timely replacement of gas system components. This interest has been directed primarily toward developing the economic consequences of deciding whether to repair or replace system components. Several excellent articles have been written recently on procedures for comparing maimenance (repair) costs on the one hand against capital (replacement) expenditures on the other in order to arrive at a proper decision. The approach that generally is used in the comparisons is a fairly well accepted revenue requirement method. The nomenclature differs slightly depending on the author--some use a uniform annual equivalent, rather lhan the sum of the present worth of total annual charges. But basically the approach is the same.

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