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Title: Hot Ethylene Fogger
Author: Stephen G. Chandler
Source: American Gas Association 1984
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: In 1950, The Baltimore Gas and Eieclric Company converted from manufactured gas to natural gas. At that time, it was recognized that the drying effect of natural gas would be detrimental lo the condition of the jute packing in joints in the 1500 miles of cast iron pipe in our system. To keep the jute in good condition, we began humidifying the natural gas. During the period from 1950 to 1980, B.G.&E. has added about 60 million gallons of water to the natural gas distributed from Spring Gardens (the old gas manufacturing plant) and from several outlying stations. Of this, a very high percentage was recovered from the distribution system by pumping drip pots. B.G.&E. has also used the direct introduction of diethyiene glycol into gas mains to saturate the jute packing to control joint leaks. Diethyiene glycol is poured into a gas main at a high point and the excess is recovered at a low point.

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