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Title: LNG Storage In Deep Seated Cavities
Author: A. Bourlanger
Source: American Gas Association 1984
Year Published: 1984
Abstract: In the 1960s many tests were undertaken to perfect the icchnique of storage of liquefied gases at low lemperaiure in fro7cn ground. Two ways have been explored which both led to indusirial applications. The first lechnique developed was storage in cut and cover with an artificial roof. This type of storage was built either in soil or in hard rock. Applications in soil were the only ones which led to operational phases. They involved LNG facilities in Arzew, Algeria, and Canvey Island, Great Britain, and propane storage at -49F in Montreal, Canada. Applications in hard rock soil or in hard rock were made. All these plants, even those which have been under operation for several years, have met with one or several of the following difficulties: Uplifts due to formation swelling when the water contained in the earth freezes, or growing of ice lenses.

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