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Title: Yesterday Is Gone
Author: Gary W. Hines
Source: 2014 Natural Gas Sampling Technology Conference
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: She accepted. As I sat and listened to those words, I had a small sense of surprise. The actual acceptance of the job at the Southern Gas Association was not what surprised me. I felt confident we had hired the right person and felt we had been genuine about describing our culture and the actual job requirements. No, what surprised me was how we found the applicant. I knew that LinkedIn was a toolset to allow business professionals to meet one another and to network with others through peer networks. I knew that there were people that moved in and out of jobs and careers in the LinkedIn world and that people would rely on their developed network to hopefully find their next job. No - what surprised me was that I, a Generation Xer, used the tool to assist in finding one of our newest employees.

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