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Title: Moisture In Natural Gas Analyzer Design For Stability And Ease Of Maintenance
Author: Larry Sieker, Mike Fuller And Airat Amerov
Source: American Gas Association 2008
Year Published: 2008
Abstract: Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (TDLAS) provides a high degree of selectivity and sensitivities in the ppmv range for many small gas molecules in natural gas and other hydrocarbon streams. While the non-contact TDLAS approach does not typically require calibration updates and requires little periodic maintenance, it is important to have the ability to verify that the system is performing properly and that the results are valid. This paper describes a new TDLAS system that contains a sealed water reference cell which provides verification that the laser is locked on the selected water absorption line. In addition this system has a sophisticated Web enabled interface that allows easy and real-time updates to key operating parameters. The performance of this system for the analysis of moisture in natural gas will be described.

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