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Title: Densitometer Vs. Orifice Metering
Author: H. V. Beck
Source: 1966 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1966
Abstract: The title of this paper implies a comparison of mass measurement vs. volume measurement, which is essentially correct, but there is more to it than just that. The true mass meter, (If one may employ such a term) is a device which imparts an acceleration to the fluid at right angles to its normal direction of flow. This action causes a change in the momentum of the fluid which in turn causes a reactive force. If the reactive force is measured, then the mass of the fluid may be determined directly. While such a mass meter has been used successfully in natural gas measurement, it is felt by some to be too difficult to field-calibrate. Its use has been quite limited and confined predominately to the chemical industries where fluids are often measured (near to their critical point) and where the deviation from the gas laws is extreme and variable.

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