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Title: Proving And Certification Tests Of Automatic Sampling Systems For Custody Transfer
Author: James m. Strawn, Jr.
Source: 1998 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 1998
Abstract: An automatic sampling system can be tested to verify the equipment, installation and operational procedures produce a representative sample of shipments or batches. The test is called a sampling system proving test. The purpose is to validate the entire sampling system, including the analysis of the sample. This paper will deal with the testing and proving of automatic sampling systems in crude oil service, although the proving test, in various forms, is also applicable for petroleum products as well as petroleum blending systems. The proving test is a culmination of efforts that began in 1978 with the first meeting of the American Petroleum Institute (API) Chapter 8, Section 2, Working Group (WG), The purpose of the WG was to write a standard for automatic sampling of petroleum and petroleum products. The group did many tests in the field and used the results to write the API Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards, Chapter 8, Section 2, and the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) D-4177. These documents were also the basis for the International Standards Organization (ISO) 3171 and the Institute of Petroleum (IP) Petroleum Measurement Manual, Section 2. Part IV.

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