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Title: Measurement And Regulation Operation Of A LDC
Author: Philip A Lawrence
Source: 2016 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: Flow measurement has evolved over the years in response to demands to measure new products, old products under new conditions of flow, or to meet tightened accuracy requirements. The value of a hydrocarbon fluid has increased in value over time. This is a normal evolution product in the consumer marketplace, this year however gas prices are very spurious and volatile. Over 4,000 years ago, the Romans under the supervision of Frontinus measured water flow from aqueducts to each household via pipelines to control the water allocation, based on the diameter of pipes only. It did not take into account pressure effects. The Chinese around the same time measured salt water to control flow to evaporative brine pots to produce salt used in cooking.

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