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Title: Remote Measurement And Control Instrument
Author: Dean D, Ault
Source: 1944 Southwestern Gas Measurement Short Course (Now called ISHM)
Year Published: 1944
Abstract: The basic idea of remote measurement is to reproduce, at a convenient location, the same magnitude existing at a remote point, in a most intelligent form for the guidance of tlie operators. Similarly, remote control is correcting these magnitudes to the liest condition either automatically or manually. There are many types and varieties of Instruments to accomplish this result. They all work toward better measurement, better regulation and their related results, The newer types work equally well on short or long distances on intricate and complicated systems a,? well as on the simpler types. An attempt will be made to discuss this paper under the following subjects: 1. Remote measurement 2. Remote Control 3. Remote Signalling - Metaphone

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