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Title: Ball Valve Regulators And Its Application
Author: Roy J. Becker
Source: 1981 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1981
Abstract: Over twenty-five years ago, a plug valve was equipped with a pneumatic cylinder and a positioner and used as a monitor regulator. The concept was a new method of gas regulation and was the beginning of a new era. A midwestern utility used these plug valve regulators above grade with relatively good success. They believed, however, that a buried valve regulator would be more desirable than an above ground unit and would greatly reduce the cost of a station. Regulators of this nature were successful and proved to be the key to todays modern high capacity control stations. Many valve configurations can be used to make a regulator, including plug, sliding disc, butterfly and ball valves. Naturally some units will outperform others, prime factors being tight shut-off and low torque. Everyone is looking for the ideal unit-one that will give perfect control, be maintenance free, have good appearance, be noise free and function without problems at all times, including cold weather. Some of these requirements are difficult to accomplish, however, they should be the ultimate goal of all manufacturers of valve regulators.

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