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Title: Spindle - A New Type Of Differential Pressure Flowmeter
Author: Xiao Ming
Source: Flomeko 2016
Year Published: 2016
Abstract: SPINDLE , a new type of differential - pressure flowmeter is described. T he pressure drop is generated via the primary flow element , a spindle - shaped body installed in the center of the pipe. Thus, a n annular channel is formed between the central body and the housing . Numerical simulation indicates that, as the central body will modify the pipe flow into an annular channel flow, SPINDLE i s ab le to condition the different flow characteristics upstream the meter , as present in industrial environments, into a very stable , repeatable and well characterized flow. Different from other primary flow elements, such as orifice plate, Venturi - cone etc, SPINDLE minimizes the drag of the central body as its shape has been optimized by genetic algori thms . As a result, no separation occurs , while keeping the differential pressure as high as possible.

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