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Title: Liquid Meter Proving Techniques
Author: J. H. Harry() James
Source: 2012 International School of Hydrocarbon Measurement
Year Published: 2012
Abstract: Producers and shippers are becoming more and more aware of the importance of accurate measurement. Their bottom line depends on it. Not only does this relate to the actual product value, but in relation to environmental considerations it also has implications associated with regulatory compliance. As a result, measurement accuracy is being scrutinized more vigorously than in the past. Companies are being required by their clients and regulatory bodies to Verify their metering accuracy. Therefore it is essential that all procedures and auxiliary equipment be operated in a consistent and defendable manner. Metering installations vary vastly in their installation and regular maintenance requirements subject to the severity of service they are subject to. The type of products being handled and the temperature and pressure at which they are operated all play into the requirements. Even meters in clean service (refined products) and normal pressures and temperatures will experience wear over time. To ensure meters give accurate results and to compensate for any wear, or changes to the environmental conditions, requires regular precision calibration by a meter prover operated by a competent individual

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