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Title: The Effects Of Asymmetric Flows In The Coriolis Mass Flowmeter With Straight Parallel Tubes: Numerical Simulation
Author: P. Kesic, V. Damic
Source: Flomeko 2000
Year Published: 2000
Abstract: The effects of flow disturbances on the performance of the Coriolis mass flowmeter(CMF) with two straight parallel tubes were invetigated numerically. Two types of flow disturbances were studied numerically using the bond-graph presentation. The first one represents a local restriction in one of the pipes that causes asymmeric flow in pipes. In the second case of operating conditions, uniformly obliterated tubes were considered. The effect of the obliterated layer thickness with different densities was analysed. It was found that the local restriction at the tube entrance does not effect the sensitivity coefficient, while the flowrate in the tube changes from zero to a rate equal to that in the parallel tube. The obliteration does not effect the sensitivity coefficient either, but changes the first natural mode of tube vibration. If the CMF is used for density measurement, the obliteration may cause significant error.

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