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Title: Basic Gas Laws
Author: Carl A. Culley
Source: 1975 Appalachian Gas Measurement Short Course
Year Published: 1975
Abstract: This paper is an explanation of the basic gas laws and will illustrate primarily the effect of pressure and temperature on metered gas volumes. These are the laws we refer to as Boyles Law and Charles Law For purposes of measurement, a cubic foot of gas is that quantity of gas which would occupy one cubic foot of space when placed under definite specified conditions. The pressure and temperature at which gas is purchased or sold is a matter of contract and not necessarily the conditions that exist when metered. Contract conditions are therefore referred to as base pressure or base temperature. All gas measured at conditions other than specified in a contract must be mathematically corrected to the volume it would occupy at the base pressure and base temperature. In this geographical location, air exerts a pressure of 14.4 pounds per square inch. To force gas through a pipe, it must be under sufficient pressure to overcome this air pressure.

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